What an absolute privilege to win first prize in the 2023 Henry Lawson Festival Art Competition with this painting Grenfell Life! Growing up Grenfell played a huge role in my life. High School, youth group, art classes, family and friends made it the hub of my social life. An annual highlight was the Henry Lawson Festival with events, street parades and competitions. The theme of the festival this year was “faces on the street”. The painting has been described as a happy painting as it captures the friendly atmosphere of country town life. Folks say hi and give a wave as they go about their day.
I owe much to Grenfell and even more now.
The Henry Lawson Festival of Arts is an annual event celebrating and commemorating Lawson’s contribution ton the arts. The festival promotes and recognises aspiring Australians in their artistic endeavours in Grenfell and the surrounding districts.
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